Thursday, June 7, 2018

Season 2018 - Samos, Greece

Leaving Athens - photo by Kathy, window seat

Arriving on Samos - photo by Kathy
We just touched down on Samos early yesterday morning.  The flights from Jacksonville to New York and Athens had gone well: no delays, no tight connections, no drama.  To shake the jetlag we spent a night in the Sofitel Hotel at the Athens airport, then caught a 45 minute hop to Samos that departed at first light Wednesday morning.  The carrier is a no-frills airline that has a fleet of stubby propeller driven planes that specialize in getting passengers to the Greek Islands beyond Athens.  The accommodations are a little rustic and can make the trip feel like being in an Indiana Jones movie.  The runways on some islands (like Samos) are often short, and require some hard braking after touchdown, which I suspect, could be a little stressful for white-knuckle flyers.  The smaller airports here are much more passenger friendly than those at the big international hubs, and we are always glad to arrive: the sky is always bright, and the first breath of island air always smells like a sweet mixture of figs, White Sparkle flowers, butterscotch and hay.

White Sparkle flowers, used by the Greek
Orthodox monks here, for making incense.

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