Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Metaxa Mafia

The Blue Chairs Restaurant

Metaxa is a brandy based liqueur distilled from, among other things, wines from Samos.  The label on the Metaxa bottle proudly proclaims itself to be “The Original Greek Spirit.”  The drink was originally produced by the well connected Metaxa family from 1888 until sometime in the mid 20th century, when the French quietly acquired a controlling interest in the company, much to the chagrin of Greek pride.  The company is now completely run by the French Remey Cointreau Group.

Several times a year the French execs fly over to Samos, en masse, then drive up the mountain to Vourliotes in a motorcade of black SUVs with dark tinted windows, and treat themselves to a lavish banquet at the Blue Chairs Restaurant, all on the corporate nickel.  It’s always quite an event.  The locals refer to the group as “The French Mafia.”

It’s an interesting compliment to the restaurant and the village that the French, who have a reputation for xenophobic snobbery, especially when it comes to food and drink, come here to spend their money.  The Greeks don’t see it that way.

photos by Newell


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