Thursday, June 20, 2013

Singing Sopranos' Praises

American café blogger, at it
Until a week before we boarded the plane for Athens, and a full six years after the final episode had aired, Kathy and I had never seen a single episode of the Sopranos.  By the time we had touched down in Greece, and after viewing several episodes of it during the flight, we realized that we had acquired a three episode a day habit, and had already burned through almost four seasons of it.

Yesterday we had walked up to the Blue Chairs Restaurant to have a frappe' and to use their Wye-Fie connection.  I had to do a little long distance paperwork for the State of Florida and Kathy had tagged along to download more episodes to her laptop.  As I logged on, the home page popped up with news of actor James Gandolfini’s sudden death while on vacation with his girlfriend in Italy.  In the famous words of Kathy Skaggs, “Shocker!”

A special note to Matt:  They sell Boston Mackerel in the grocery stores here, and they are very proud of it.   I don’t know the Greek name for them, but they are the same fish we use in Mayport for Grouper bait.  They sell a single whole smoked fish in a clear plastic package for 3.60 to 4.00 Euros or about $4.50 to $5.00 US.  They also sell it steaked (and brined?) in olive oil from ceramic crocks in the deli case for 26.00 Euros per Kilo or about $15.84 a pound, expensive drunk food.
photos by Newell and Skaggs


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