Friday, June 29, 2012

Birthday Party

We ran out of e-minutes, but Kathy bought more today, so you’ll get two postcards on this stamp. She’s also sending more pictures of Vourliotes, and a video of the fire jumping. As to Connie’s query about peanut butter, thanks, but I’ve got an unopened jar that I brought in my suitcase. I never leave the country without peanut butter or a fishing pole. I’ve been 13 days without peanut butter or television, and still have no ill effects to report from it, as yet. What I have missed most, ironically, has been the rain. It never rains here.We went to a birthday party for one of Kathy’s friends at a beach side café in Avlakia today. Kathy’s carpenter and his brother had been spear fishing and brought octopus and two varieties of fish I didn’t recognize and couldn’t pronounce. The restaurant cooked it. Lunch fare was sautéed octopus, shrimp pasta, and fried minnows for appetizer, Greek Salad and bread, Mediterranean Mystery Fish as the entre’, and ice cream birthday cake for dessert. They washed all of that down with liberal amounts of local white wine, rose’, and Ouzo. I drove Kathy back up the mountain. Her mantra all the way home was to wish that all of you could have been there.

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