Thursday, June 21, 2012


Spent 12 hr. in Pittsburg, (the plane was called back for a fuel filter malfunction light) and missed our connections, but got a free night and dinner in the Athens Airport Hotel. (My wife fixed everything.)  The rehab work on Kathy’s little 200 yr. old, two-story townhouse is still not finished, but the work they’ve done is very nice, even better than she’d hoped for.  (Pictures to follow, of course)

Yesterday, Kathy patched me through to wish my father a Happy Birthday from her favorite seaside cafĂ© in Agios Konstantios.  He was surprised and glad to hear from us. I sat and talked to Mac, admiring the mountains of Turkey rising up from the mist of the Aegean Sea, and Kathy sampled a glass of Mythos beer and relaxed.  We moved on to her favorite seaside restaurant for Dinner. Looking around the restaurant, I noticed that Bill Clinton had been there. Mugging for someone’s camera, he had been immortalized with his arms around two of the waitresses. Hillary was not in the picture.

Kathy's brand new kitchen

I bought breakfast in the village bakery today, then rode to Karlovasi with Kathy. I snored in the car, while she furniture shopped, and bought house wares.  We ate dinner in the village tonight at a four-star restaurant.  We had appetizers, salad, entrees, and a carafe of local white wine from the barrel. The bill, with the tip, came to twenty two Euros.  We picked peaches, apricots, kiwi fruit, and flowers on our walk home, then had chocolate covered baklava from the bakery for dessert.  Kathy is upstairs in her new bed with a cheesy old movie blaring from her laptop computer.  It’s her turn to snore.


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