Friday, June 12, 2015

"The Theater of Dionysus" by Alec Newell

Nero once performed here - photo by Newell

There was nothing like a few days in Athens to make us really appreciate being back on Samos.  Kathy had her wallet lifted on the Athens subway; but luckily, her passport, credit cards, and driver's license were not in it.

grilled calamari (squid)
We had a couple of really nice meals in the Plaka, and the hotel we stayed in had a beautiful view of the Acropolis from the roof, where we liked to have a relaxing drink, make a few trans-Atlantic cellphone calls, and play a hand or two of Gin just before turning in at night.

The Parthenon at night from our hotel's roof-top patio

After seeing the museums and the Agora, I had wanted to have a closer look at the Theater of Dionysus which lies in a niche' that was carved from the base of the Acropolis.  I'm old enough to remember when the stadium in Jacksonville was called the Gator Bowl, and its annual featured game was billed as, "The world's largest outdoor cocktail party."  But the great granddaddy of all organized public drunkenness had to have been the Festival of Dionysus, "Open containers WELCOME."

Less than half a block beyond the entrance to the Dionysian Theater, I happened to notice a group of Hells Angels, not riding motorcycles, but waiting to board a Disney style train tram for a guided tour!???  In Athens, some things you expect to see, others you don't.

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