Monday, May 2, 2016

Easter Weekend on Samos (part 2) - Saturday, Sunday

photo by Newell


photo by Newell
Maruyo, a neighbor in her late eighties or early nineties placed a neat little stack of olive wood and a bag of charcoal by my outdoor grill, and brought Kathy a bowl full of little sour cherries as ‘welcome back’ gifts.

Later that morning, we drove to Samos Town to pick up a few supplies and have our Wi-Fi reconnected.  Coming down the mountain road we spotted a feral peacock.

A whole goat on the scale (head in plastic bag) -  photo by Newell
There was more activity in town than we had expected.  Roasted goat or lamb is to Greek Easter what roasted turkey is to an American Thanksgiving.  The butcher shop was packed like I’d never seen it before.  People were three deep at the counter, with a line out into the street.  Many of the customers were buying whole carcasses with the heads and tails still attached.

There was another night service at the Orthodox Church that ends at midnight with the symbolic ascension of Christ from the tomb.  Everyone leaves the church carrying a lit candle, and boys in the street setting off fireworks like it was New Year’s Eve.

Easter Sunday

photo by Newell
There was the formal indoor service at 11:00 AM followed by an outdoor pageant, liturgy, and reception in the Platea.  Pappa Kosta passed out bright-red dyed Easter eggs to the faithful, then brought two eggs by the house for Kathy who’d ‘played hookey’ from the service.
Sunday evening Kathy and I hiked up the mountain to the Vronta Monastery where we bumped into a neighbor who had us over for coffee.  It was after dark when we got home.

Click here for an older post on the Vrona Monastery

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